Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu: A Comprehensive Review

If you’re looking to elevate your digital art, the Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu might be exactly what you need. This highly rated brush set has already sold over 7000 units, and it’s easy to see why. With options for both beginners and advanced users, it promises to unlock your artistic potential. Let’s delve into what makes this brush set stand out.

Unlock Your Artistic Potential with Procreate Texture Brushes

BrushSet Overview

The Procreate Texture Brushes collection by BigPear Liu offers two primary versions: Standard and Advanced.

Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu

Standard Version:

  • 20 Brushes
  • 1 Set includes 4 Textures
  • 7 Color Palettes
  • Price: $9.80

Designed for creating watercolor effects, this version aligns with BigPear Liu’s previous releases. It’s an excellent starting point for artists who are new to digital brushes or prefer a simpler toolset.

Advanced Version:

  • 15 Brushes
  • 1 Set includes 4 Textures
  • 3 Color Palettes
  • Price: $8.80

The Advanced version introduces more sophisticated brushes that enhance the precision and delicacy of your artwork. It is recommended for users who have experience with the Standard version, as it builds on the basic functionalities with more complex options.

Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu

Completed Version:

  • Includes both Standard & Advanced Versions
  • Price: $18.60

For the best value and a comprehensive artistic experience, the Completed version combines both sets. This ensures you have all the tools needed for any artistic endeavor.

Why Choose Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu?

High Quality and Versatility

With a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars from 346 reviews, the Procreate Texture Brushes are lauded for their quality and versatility. Users appreciate how these brushes help in creating natural and detailed artwork.

Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu

Positive User Feedback

Most users rave about the ease of use and the helpful tutorials that come with the brushes. For instance, one user noted, “These brushes are great and so fun to use! The tutorials were also very helpful.”

Comprehensive Support

BigPear Liu offers free consulting via Instagram, ensuring that any questions or issues are promptly addressed. This customer support aspect adds significant value, particularly for users who might be new to using digital brushes.

How to Get the Most Out of Your BrushSet

Preparation is Key

Ensure you have the necessary tools: an iPad, Procreate app, and an Apple Pencil. This preparation is crucial for achieving the best results with the BrushSet.

Licensing Information

Your artwork created with these brushes can be used for commercial purposes, but selling or distributing the brushes themselves is not allowed. This clear licensing policy helps protect your rights as an artist.


Q1: Do I need both the Standard and Advanced versions? A1: While the Standard version is great for beginners, the Advanced version offers more sophisticated tools. For the best experience, consider the Completed version which includes both.

Q2: Can I use these brushes for commercial projects? A2: Yes, you can use your artwork created with these brushes for commercial purposes. However, you cannot sell or distribute the brushes themselves.

Q3: What if I encounter problems with the brushes? A3: BigPear Liu offers free consulting via Instagram. You can reach out for any issues or questions about the BrushSet.

Final Thoughts

The Procreate Texture Brushes by BigPear Liu are a valuable addition to any digital artist’s toolkit. Here are three compelling reasons to consider this purchase:

  1. High Quality: The brushes are praised for their precision and versatility, making them suitable for various artistic styles.
  2. User-Friendly: The included tutorials and customer support ensure a smooth user experience.
  3. Comprehensive Options: With both Standard and Advanced versions available, you can choose the set that best fits your needs or go for the Completed version for maximum flexibility.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your digital art. Add to cart now and start creating stunning artwork today!

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